Wednesday, May 29, 2013


***Tutorial Ripped By JackieBeth, written on August 5, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
Animation Shop
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac    
 you MUST purchase a license at SNC HERE to use his work  
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter Xero/Radiance
 font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Will&Grace"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250
copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0
duplicate tube
select bottom tube
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: default wall paper rotate

adjust/blur/gaussian blur 5

effects/distortion effects/ripple
select preset small waves left
changing only center offset to 50
click ok

unhide your top tube layer
place to right or left of canvas

crop canvas to size

duplicate background layer
apply filter Xero/Radiance: default settings
lower opacity to 85
close tube layer
merge visible
open tube layer back up

add a new raster layer
place as bottom layer
flood fill with color of choice

add a new raster layer
set as top layer in the layer palette
flood fill black
selections/select all/float/defloat/modify/contract/2 pixels
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none

now for the animation effect...we are going to be "ripping" one side of our canvas
the side of your canvas that does not have your tube is what will be ripped
i suggest you save your set after each step just so nothing is lost

on your canvas where the image is (the blue outline) drag out the canvas so you have some gray area

select your freehand selection tool

trying to make as jagged as possible make a "rip" about a fourth away from the edge of your canvas

select your background layer
right click on layer palette promote selection to layer
select your background layer again
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none

the rip that you have, close it off
copy and paste a closeup tube on your canvas
move where the rip is and then move below the rip layer
change opacity to 65
now unhide your rip

copy merged

take over to animation shop
paste as a new animation

go back to psp
select your ripped layer
free rotate left (or right) 5 degrees
copy merged
paste in animation shop after current frame

in psp free rotate to left (or right) another 5 degrees
copy merged
paste in animation shop after current frame
now you can start to drag it downwards and to the side each time
the smaller increments you move your rip and take over to animation shop the more lifelike it will seem
so continue to move your rip until your hidden tube is all the way exposed

once you are at the last frame change frame properties to 250

still in animation shop left click on your second frame
go to the second to last frame, pressing shift down, right click that frame
right click/copy
select the last frame
paste after current frame
click your arrow over once
select the next frame
arrow over until the last frame
pressing shift down select that frame as well
animation/reverse frames
change frame 1 property to 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

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Broken Crayons

****Broken Crayons by JackieBeth written on March 26, 2019**** **SAVE PROGRESS OFTEN** ***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when ...