***Tutorial Heaven Or Hell By JackieBeth, written on August 14, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***
Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
Animation Shop
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
you MUST purchase a license at SNC HERE to use his work
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter Mehdi/Fur 2
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Champagne & Limousines"
open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250
add a new raster layer
select your brush tool, set at 2, color black
draw a straight line from top right corner of canvas to bottom left
(to draw a line right click at top right, go to bottom corner, press shift down and right click)
copy and paste devil tube to canvas
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wall paper rotate default settings
move below brush line layer
apply filter Mehdi/Fur 2
shape: circle
mode: solid
density 75
thickness 3.0
diameter 50
copy and paste your angel tube
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies and Mehdi/Fur 2 with same settings as above
crop canvas to size
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0
select your black brush line layer
with magic wand tool select the bottom right portion of the canvas with magic wand tool
selections/modify/expand/1 pixel
select the red devil background layer
press delete
selections select none
now select the black brush layer again
select the top left of canvas with magic wand tool
selections/select all/float/defloat/modify/expand/1 pixel
select the angel background layer
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none
you may now delete the black brush line merge visible
now go ahead and write out your phrase you are going to use
i am using the phrase heaven or hell
merge the phrase layers together
add new raster layer
place toward top of layer palette
flood fill black
selections/select all/float/defloat/modify/contract/2 pixels
add slight drop shadow
minimize this canvas for now, we will be coming back to it shortly
open a new canvas size 250 by 250
flood fill black
selections/select all/float/defloat/modify/contract/2 pixels
press delete on keyboard
add new raster layer
flood fill with a color of choice from your angel tube
add new raster layer
flood fill with color of choice from your devil tube
selections/select none
move your elevator frame to the top of the layer palette
copy and paste each tube to your canvas
place below elevator frame layer
add slight drop shadow to each tube
crop canvas to size
hide all layers in your palette
open your devil background and devil tube
opacity of tube change to 75
merge visible
do the same with the angel tube and angel background
unhide your elevator frame
add drop shadow 0, 0, 75, 10, black
add a new raster layer to canvas
flood fill black
select your black background layer
paste in animation shop as a new animation
effects/insert image transition
select curtains
transition length 2.0
frames per second 6
click on customize
curtain direction horizontal
curtain action opening
click on the first frame
while holding shift down click on the last frame (selects them all)
animation/reverse frames
delete the first frame
go back to your psp
hide the black background and the devil background with tube
copy merged
paste in animation shop
duplicate to meet the frames your doors have (mine is 12)
select all the frames for the doors
select all the angel frames
paste into current animation
set this animation aside
do the same for the devil tube
once you have both devil and angel animated minimize both of them in animation shop
in PSP go back to your canvas you were working with earlier
open a new canvas size 250 by 250
flood fill black
paste as new image on your working canvas
place one black square to the left and one to the right
this will be where your animation will be placed at
hide the two black layers, the word or and the copyright layer
copy merged
paste in animation shop as a new animation
duplicate enough times to meet 12 frames
open your devil animation
copy all 12 frames
paste as current animation at very right side of canvas (where the black background was in psp)
paste the angel animation as well to the left side of the canvas
run the animation, you should have both tubes closing doors just like an elevator door would
now we are going to move the devil down and the angel up
go back to psp on your working canvas
unhide your black squares on each side
the door on the right will be doing down while the one on the left will be going up
and thus will reveal the words
select the square on the right
image/image effects/offset
horizontal 0
vertical -20
select the square on the left
image/image effects/offset
horizontal 0
vertical 20
copy merged
paste in animation shop after the 12th frame after current animation
back in psp click on the right square, image effect/offset -20
repeat until you have the elevator door going all the way up and the words showing
frame 12 set properties to 100
set the last frame property at 250
copy and paste animation into animation shop and paste on all the frames
apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish
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