Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Merry Christmas

***Merry Christmas. Written by JackieBeth***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist Used: Keith Garvey 
 you MUST purchase the proper license at CDO HERE to use his work
a type of greenery for the boarder
(i used a holly berry with leaf that came with my psp)
filter Mura Meister/Copies
font of choice

open a blank transparent canvas size 600 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to left side of canvas

add a new raster layer
move below tube layer
flood fill with dark color from tube (i used color red)
copy and paste greenery to canvas
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: default wall paper rotate settings

select background layer
selections/select all/float/defloat/modify/2 pixels
select greenery
press delete on keyboard
selections/modify/contract/10 pixels
with greenery selected press delete on keyboard
selections/select none
move greenery layer below your tube layer

zoom in very close to your canvas
with brush tool set at size 2, color white
count out 4 pixels from the greenery and draw a small border around the canvas

with your brush tool set at color white, and size at 3 on a new layer draw out some dots so they look a bit like snow

background color set at null
foreground color set at a light color (i choose white)
line with at 12 draw out a smallish rectangle
place to right side of canvas
objects/align/align vertically center in canvas
convert to raster layer

select your magic wand tool
click in center of rectangle
selections/modify/expand/3 pixels
add a new raster layer
flood fill with dark color you used for your background
selections/select none
move the new layer below the same

copy and paste your tube to canvas
move between fill and frame layer
place in frame to preference
select frame fill
selections/select all/float/defloat
select the tube in the frame
press delete on keyboard
selections/select none
lower opacity to about 50

apply proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

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Broken Crayons

****Broken Crayons by JackieBeth written on March 26, 2019**** **SAVE PROGRESS OFTEN** ***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when ...