***Holly Jolly Xmas By JackieBeth, written on November 1, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***
Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Elias Chatzoudis
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
Kit Used: Santa Is Here - PTU gone FTU - Seachells Scraps - Kit No Longer Available
font & mask of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Dupree"
open a blank transparent canvas size 500 by 500
copy and paste paper2 to canvas
crop canvas to size
apply mask of choice
merge group
copy and paste frame 4 to canvas
resize as needed
place to preference
free rotate 10 degrees left
copy and paste paper3 to canvas
move below frame layer
select frame layer
using magic wand tool click inside of frame
selections/modify/expand/5 pixels
select paper layer
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none
copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
resize as needed
place to preference
copy and paste ball3-ball6 to canvas
resize as needed
place towards bottom left of canvas beside each other
rotate each slight to left or right
merge the balls together
copy and paste flower4 to canvas
place to preference
copy and paste bow1 to canvas
place to preference
apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish