Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sweet As Candy

***Tutorial Sweet As Candy By JackieBeth, written on January 23, 2011***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
(a close up/ choose one with a pattern on clothing) tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchase
filter Xero/Radiance
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter RCS Filter Pak 1.0/RCS Screenworks-Grid
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
 font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Juergen & Inlove"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
apply filter Xero/Radiance: default settings
place tube to preference

duplicate your tube
select bottom tube layer
adjust/blur/gaussian blur: 15

apply filter RCS Filter Pak 1/RCS Screenworks-Grid

select your top tube
selections/select all/float/defloat
select your bottom grid layer
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none

apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: Line, change line to 15

hide your top tube layer
duplicate the grid about 3 times
merge visible
change opacity to 50
merge visible

add a new raster layer
move to bottom of layer palette

flood fill with color of choice
apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex 2.0/Constellation
star size 5.98
size variation 58
edge star density 1
overall star density 28
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 95
twinkle rotation 45
keep original image selected

change blend mode of top grid layer to burn (or another blend mode of choice)

unhide your tube layer

merge visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 4, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Nawtie Hawtie

***Tutorial Nawtie Hawtie JackieBeth, written on January 23, 2011***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image {with closeup) of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchase
Kit Used: Friendship Collection Yvette - FTU - Scrapity Scrap and More - kit no longer available
template by me (no longer available)
filter Xero/Radiance
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
font & mask of choice

open my template
press shift + d to duplicate
close original template

delete the copyright layer

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to preference
apply filter Xero/Radiance: default settings

recolor the different colored layers as needed using your manual color correction tool
(if you cant find it go to customize your psp and go to unused tools)

copy and paste a close up of your tube and place certain areas of the tubes inside your frames
select the colored portion of the frame
selections/select all/float/defloat
select the tube
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none

do that with each frame

recolor the image in the bigger frame to 0, 0

select layer circle
apply filter Pentacom/Color Dot: value: 138, distance 11

select the phrase and apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: mix, 25

now its time to open the kit and play with the elements

copy and paste element 55 to canvas
move to bottom layer
move to the left

copy and paste paper 5 to canvas
move to bottom layer
crop canvas to size
apply mask of choice

copy and paste element 11 to canvas
place to preference
move below main tube layer

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Sex N Love

***Tutorial Sex N Love By JackieBeth, written on January 13, 2011***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Elias Chatzoudis     
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Pinot Noir & rolina"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to preference
duplicate tube

select bottom tube layer
horizontal offset 0
vertical offset 0
rotation 45
scale factor 0
number of petals 0
number of orbits 3
radial suction 30
edge mode reflect selected

apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wall paper (rotate)
duplicate & mirror if needed
crop entire canvas to size

recolor entire canvas to 0, 0
decide two sections to be two different colors
using your freehand selection tool select one area
promote selection to layer
recolor to color of choice
selections/select none
then select the other part with your freehand selection tool
recolor to color of choice

apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: 20, mix

merge canvas visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 1, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sweet Bling

***Tutorial Sweet Bling By JackieBeth, written on January 9, 2011***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: PinUpToons
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
filter Krusty's FX Vol II 1.0/Pattern Generator J (Deco 3)
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
 font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Mufferaw Rg"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to preference
crop entire canvas to size

duplicate tube
select bottom tube layer
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wallpaper
effects/reflection effects/pattern
horizontal offset 0
vertical offset 0
rotation angle 90
scale factor 0
number of columns 14
number of rows 12
horizontal shift 0
vertical shift 0

apply filter Krusty's FX Vol II 1.0/Pattern Generator J (Deco 3):
modulo A 164
modulo B 153
Red 247
Green 178
Blue 178
(red, blue and green will depend on the color of the background you want)

select  your preset shape tool
set at rectangle
draw a medium width rectangle horizontally across your canvas
convert to raster layer

effects/distortion effects/wave
vertical displacement
amplitude 4
wavelength 33
edge mode transparent

resize by 115

selections/select all/float/defloat/modify/contract/3 pixels
press delete on your keyboard

selections/select none

duplicate your wave
free rotate by 90
place to right side of canvas
move below the horizontal wave

select your horizontal wave
with magic wand tool select inside of horizontal wave
selections/modify/expand/3 pixels
select the vertical wave layer
press delete on keyboard
selections/select none
merge the two wave layers visible

select your main tube layer
move bottom tube layer below the wave layers
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wall paper

select your wave layer
click in center of each section of your wave
selections/modify/expand/4 pixels
select the layer you just made with the duplicated tube
press delete on your keyboard
selections/select none
recolor 0, 0

merge canvas visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 1, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish


***Tutorial SweetHeart By JackieBeth, written on January 6, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Elias Chatzoudis     
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter Xero/Radiance
font & mask of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Orange Gush"

open a blank transparent canvas size 500 by 500

copy and paste tube of choice
duplicate tube
select bottom tube
effects/reflection effects/pattern:
select preset "stripes horizontal"
(make sure mask is large enough to fill the inside of a large heart)
(if not just resize until it will cover the inside)
(you may need to duplicate if its very transparent)

apply mask of choice to canvas
merge group

select your preset shape tool, set at heart
foreground color white, background color null
line width set at 12 draw a rather large heart
free rotate left 3
center in canvas
convert to raster layer
apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: mix, 30

place tube to preference

now draw a smaller heart
free rotate right 25
convert to raster layer
place in upper left corner

duplicate  your tube
place face or a body part that will fill the heart
select small heart layer
click in center with magic wand tool
selections/modify/expand/5 pixels
select tube layer
press delete on keyboard
selections/select none

adjust/hue and saturation/colorize: 0, 0
apply filter Xero/Radiance: default settings
select the small heart layer
apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: 30, mix

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Monday, June 17, 2013

Party Time

***Tutorial Party Time By JackieBeth, written on January 6, 2011***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Keith Garvey
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter DSB Flux/Center Mirror
filter Gregs Factory Output II/Waffle
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Origins"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to preference

duplicate tube
select bottom tube layer
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wallpaper
crop entire canvas to size

apply filter DSB Flux/Center Mirror: mirrors 5, rotation 196

apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0

apply filter Gregs Factory Output II/Waffle: X 8, Y 72

merge canvas visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 1, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Irish Bling

***Tutorial Irish Bling By JackieBeth, written on January 6, 2011***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
2 tubes/images of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchase
filter Alien Skin Xenofex II/Constellation
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Reklame Script Regular DEMO"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

with your color picker tool select a light color and a medium-dark color that compliments the main tube you are working with
flood fill your canvas with the darker color of the two
set your lighter color to background color, null foreground

copy and paste your main tube to your canvas
place to left side

select your preset shape tool, set at rectangle
draw a rather thin horizontal rectangle, start overlapping your tube and dragging to the right, to where it overlaps the edge
convert to raster layer
place upper half of canvas (about 1/4 of way down)

merge the two rectangle layers together

crop entire canvas to size

effects/3D effects/Inner Bevel
Bevel 2
width 9
smoothness 0
depth 1
ambience 0
shininess 0
color white
angle 315
intensity 50
elevation 30

now duplicate your main tube
select bottom layer
effects/texture effects/mosaic glass:
select preset "glass bars horizontal"

apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: tiling (change "number" to 3)
change blend mode to soft light

select your selection tool
set to rectangle
now select the area above and below the rectangle, not going past the tube
press delete on your keyboard

select your background solid color
apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex II/Constellation:
star size 2
size variation 53
edge star density 9
overall star density 5
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 75
angle 45
keep original image

now select the mosaic glass layer
apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex II/Constellation:
star size 5
size variation 53
edge star density 9
overall star density 5
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 75
angle 45
keep original image

copy and paste your second tube to your canvas
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: line preset, change "number" to preference
move below rectangle layer
change blend mode to soft light
using your rectangle selection tool select the part of the tube that is showing outside the middle of your rectangle
press delete on your keyboard

merge canvas visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 1, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sweet Love

***Tutorial Sweet Love By JackieBeth, written on December 23, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
Animation Shop
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchasefilter Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Television
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Riddle & Rolina"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

flood fill with color of choice

select preset set shape and set at a heart shape
set foreground color null and background white
draw out a small heart
center in canvas
convert to raster layer
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: tiling angle, tile gap 5
change blend mode to hearts to hard light

selections/select all/float/defloat
select background layer
right click on background layer in layer palette
select promote selection to layer
selections/select none

copy and paste tube of choice
place to preference

select the bottom background layer
duplicate twice

select top background layer
apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Television
scanline strength 50
scanline thickness 5.67
vertical shift 0
curvature 0
static 20
ghost strength 30
ghost offset 20
breakup 20

apply same filter to other two background layers changing only random seed

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 0, matte 1, opacity 50
to each individual layer

hide the bottom two background layers

copy merged
paste as new animation in animation shop

in psp hide the first and unhide the second
copy merged
paste after current frame

in psp hide second and unhide third layer
copy merged
paste in animation shop after current frame

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

New Year Sparkle

***Tutorial New Year Sparkle By JackieBeth, written on December 22, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
Animation Shop
image of choice
Artist I Used: Anthony Guerra (currently has no website)
work currently unavailable
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Constellation
filter Mura Meister/Copies
 font & 2 masks of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Snidely"

open a blank transparent canvas size 500 by 500
flood fill white

open a image of choice
in your layer palette right click on top of your image layer
promote background layer
apply a mask of choice (best to use one with jagged edges)
merge group

copy and paste image to canvas

apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0
free rotate 15 to the right

duplicate image
select bottom layer
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: Wall Paper default

effects/distortion effects/wind: from left 100

apply second mask of choice
merge group

duplicate your mask layer twice
on each mask layer apply the following filter, changing only random seed each layer

apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex/Constellation
star size 1.98
size variation 47
edge star density 1
overall star density 3
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 75
twinkle rotation 45
keep original image selected

hide your bottom two mask layers
copy merged

paste as new animation in animation shop

in psp unhide your second and hide the first mask layer
copy merged

paste after current layer in animation shop

do the same for your third mask layer

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Snow Kisses

***Tutorial Snow Kisses By JackieBeth, written on December 11, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
Animation Shop
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Keith Garvey
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
Kit Used: Blue Christmas - FTU - Chicas Designz  - Kit No Longer Available
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame 
snow of choice
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Almond Script

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0
place to left side of canvas

copy and paste paper_12 to canvas
move below tube layer
crop entire canvas to size

copy and paste window_2 to canvas
free rotate to the right 10
place to right side of canvas
make sure window is placed below tube layer

copy and paste swag_4 to canvas
place towards top of window

copy and paste window black night to canvas
place below frame layer
delete any of the night paper that shows outside the window frame

open tree 4
shift + D to duplicate window
close original
copy and paste some ornaments to your tree

merge visible
copy merged
paste to canvas
place to right side of canvas
you can close the tree canvas now

copy and paste candle_1 to canvas
place to preference

crop entire canvas

hide all layers of your canvas
except for your background and window night sky paper layer
merge visible
hide that layer
open the other layers
merge visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 2. matte 1, opacity 100
to both layers

now you have two layers
one with the background and sky and the other with the tube, window, ornaments, etc

hide the top layer
copy merged

take over to animation shop
paste as a new animation

open your snow of choice
duplicate your working canvas to meet the number of your snow animation

select all your working canvas layers
copy your snow animation layers
paste into working canvas

go to PSP, unhide the top layer, select it and copy

paste into animation shop as new animation
duplicate to meet frames
select all
paste into working canvas

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

New Years Beauty

***Tutorial New Year Beauty By JackieBeth, written on December 11, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchase
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter DSB FLux/Bright Noise
filter Krustys II/Pattern Generator Q (flower 2)
Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Constellation
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Americana BT & Almond Script"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0

add a new raster layer
move below tube layer
flood fill with color that compliments your tube

effects/texture effects/blinds:
width 5
opacity 20
color black
horizontal unchecked
light from left/top checked

apply filter Krustys II/Pattern Generator Q (flower 2):
modulo A 138
modulo B 148
modulo C 127
modulo D 129


effects/distortion effects/wind: from left, 100

apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: mix, 25

effects/reflection effects/pattern:
select preset 4 by 4

apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Constellation:
star size 2.00
star variation 0
edge star density 1
overall star density 2
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 75
twinkle rotation 45
keep original image selected

merge visible
apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 2, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Never Lose Yourself

***Tutorial Never Lose Yourself By JackieBeth, written on December 4, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Anna Marine
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use her work
filter VM Natural/Splash
filter Gregs Factory Output Vol II/Pool Shadow
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter DSB Flux/Bubbles
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "Banana"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to preference
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0

duplicate tube
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wall paper rotate

apply filter DSB Flux/Bubbles
bubbles 33
density 50
frequency 50
tune 50

adjust/blur/blur more
repeat three more times

apply filter VM Natural/Splash
center x 121
center y 123
frequency 19
length 1 17
length 2 22

apply filter filter Gregs Factory Output Vol II/Pool Shadow
diagonal 50
center 50
horizontal 50
diagonal 50
horizontal 50
vertical 50
intensity 128
lightness 128

merge visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 0, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


***Tutorial Princess By JackieBeth, written on December 4, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Elias Chatzoudis     
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
pretty/veil brush of choice
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter Xero/Fritillary
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter Alien Skin Xenofex/Constellation
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "P22 Rakugaki Latin & P22 Sweepy"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to left side of canvas
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0

select a color of choice that compliments your tube
flood fill background with chosen color
set your background color null
set your foreground color at white

select your preset shape tool
set at rectangle
draw a thin line horizontally across canvas
convert to raster layer
move to top 1/4th of canvas
apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: mix, 50

select your selection tool, set at rectangle
make sure feather is set at 0
select the portion of the canvas below your thin white line
select your background
apply filter Xero/Fritillary
granularity 7
aggression 30
tesselation 10
variation 0
do NOT deselect

apply filter filter Alien Skin Xenofex/Constellation
star size 2.00
size variation 0
edge star density 1
overall star density 3
overdrive 100
twinkle amount 75
twinkle rotation 45
keep original image bubble filled in

apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: mix, 20

add a new raster layer
move below your thin line
apply brush of choice with color of choice
lower opacity to 65

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 0, matte 1, opacity 100

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Merry Christmas II

***Merry Christmas II By JackieBeth, written on November 18, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice (with close up)
Artist I Used: Elias Chatzoudis     
you MUST purchase a license at CDO HERE to use his work
template by myself & kay, download HERE
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter Xero/Radiance
filter Xero/Porcelain
font of choice

open template
shift + D
close original template
delete copyright layer

copy and paste tube of choice to canvas
place to preference
apply filter Xero/Radiance: default settings

copy and paste closeup to canvas
move between glow and square layer
place face in glow area
select the square layer
selections/select all/float/defloat
select closeup tube layer
press delete on keyboard

crop entire canvas to size

adjust/hue and saturation/colorize
0, 0
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0

add a slight DSB Flux/Noise to the tree if you wish

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Girl Fun

***Tutorial Girl Fun By JackieBeth, written on November 18, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
3 tubes/images of choice (same artist)
Artist I Used: Keith Garvey
you MUST purchase a license at his store HERE to use his work
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter Xero/Radiance
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "PR Agamemnon"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250
flood fill black

select preset shape tool
line width at 7, foreground color white, background null
draw out a vertical medium size rectangle left side of the canvas
objects/align/vertical of canvas
convert to raster layer

draw out a rectangle on the other side, leaving a small gap between the two
make this one longer horizontally
objects/align/vertical of canvas
convert to raster layer
merge together the two rectangles

apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: 45, mix

copy and paste one of your frame tubes to your canvas
move below your frame layer
place to left side
select frame layer
select magic wand tool and click inside of left rectangle
selections/modify/expand/5 pixels
select tube layer
press delete on keyboard
selections/select none
adjust/hue and saturation/recolor: 0, 0

apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0

copy and paste another back tube to your canvas
place in right frame
select magic wand tool
click inside of right frame
selections/modify/expand/3 pixels
select tube layer
press delete on keyboard
selections/select none
apply filter Xero/Radiance: default

crop entire canvas to size

merge visible

add new raster layer
flood fill white
selections/modify/contract/3 pixels
press delete on keyboard
selections/select none
apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: 100, mix

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Hot Lil Thang

***Tutorial Hot Lil Thang By JackieBeth, written on November 10, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchase
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste a tube of choice to canvas
place to right side of canvas

using your dropper tool select a color from your tube
add a new raster layer
move below tube layer
flood fill with that color

now choose the color white or black, set as your background color
(black if light background, white if dark background)
select your preset shape tool, set to rectangle
line width at 0, line style at solid line

draw out a thin horizontal rectangle (go over the side edges of your canvas0
convert to raster layer
duplicate rectangle
slide duplicate up
make enough space for a small shape to be inserted
duplicate once more and go up and one more time
now you have 4 thin rectangles with three gaps
hide tube layer and background
merge visible
unhide background layer

set your preset shape tool to diamond
pressing shift down draw a very small diamond shape
covert to raster layer
place in the top gap of the rectangles you just made
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: Line
change the top number to a larger number
(more diamonds you want the larger the number)
do the same above steps making a circle and triangle lines

close the background layer
merge visible
duplicate twice
move one set to the top of the canvas
move second set to bottom of canvas
merge visible
crop entire canvas to size

unhide background layer
select your magic wand tool
click in between shape set
select the background
apply filter DSB Flux/Bright Noise: 25, mix
select the shapes too and apply same filter number 45

unhide your tube layer
merge visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 11, matte 1, opacity 50

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Jingle Jangle

 ***Tutorial Jingle Jangle By JackieBeth, written on November 2, 2010***
***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when you see fit***

Items Needed
Paint Shop Pro/version PSPX was used to create this tutorial
tube/image of choice
Artist I Used: Ismael Rac
work currently unavailable for purchase
filter L en K landksiteofwonders/Elvida
filter Mura Meister/Copies
filter Mura Meister/Perspective Tiling
filter Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Constellation
filter Xero/Porcelain
filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame
font of choice/font used in this tutorial: "OooohBabyROB"

open a blank transparent canvas size 550 by 250

copy and paste tube to canvas
apply filter Xero/Porcelain: change blue to 0
place to right side of canvas

duplicate tube
select bottom layer
apply filter Mura Meister/Copies: wall paper (rotate)
crop entire canvas to size

adjust/blur/motion blur: angle 145, strength 100
apply filter Mura Meister/Perspective Tiling: default

adjust/blur/blur more

apply filter filter L en K landksiteofwonders/Elvida: distance 150

apply filter Alien Skin Xenofex 2/Constellation:
Star Size 1.98
Size Variation 0
Edge Star Density 1
Overall Star Density 10
Overdrive 100
Twinkle Amount 75
Twinkle Rotation 45
Keep Original Image selected

merge visible

apply filter AAA Frames/Foto Frame: width 11, matte 1, opacity 50

apply all proper credits
add names/phrases as you wish

Broken Crayons

****Broken Crayons by JackieBeth written on March 26, 2019**** **SAVE PROGRESS OFTEN** ***add drop shadows and resize/recolor when ...